I find as Tim gets older he wants to spoil his kids and grand kids more ;o) Here he is making sure their flowers are just right.
He is a little bit of a perfectionist.
This is our Valentines Flower Garden....
Our house smelled wonderful!
The two big ones in the back were made by my niece Kenna! I ordered the orange ones from Tim and he ordered the red for me. I was excited to be able to send him flowers to work again ;o)
Here is a better picture of them...I forgot about this one ;o)
The III finding his flowers and candy ;o)
Picture time ;o)
Miss Tatem with her find ;o)
Picture time....
John and Terriebeth
Oh yeah...here is part of the part I was talking about at the start of this post. Tim called the parents to ask what was on the kids wish list of things they wanted...well here is what we ended up getting those little ones.
Tatem got an alarm clock just like her brother got for Christmas. It is funny how none of us know what we want until someone else gets one ;o). ( I love that I'm not the only one this happens too)
The III with a Trans Former I can't remember which one but I bet if you ask him he will be able to tell you ;o).
Ethan was at his mom's this year so we took our stuff over to him.
Here is Caleb...now you think Tim spoils the kids....well the book is from his Aunt Tabitha! Yep it's green.
There goes the flowers all over the couch...but look at this cool green book Aunt Tabitha got me ;o) ( ok we caught the flowers before they spilled.)
TJ with his find ;o) What a dope!
Hollie with her find.
Tabitha with hers....and don't let Caleb fool you, he is not excited about his candy and wanting a picture with Tabitha. He is excited about......
....his green book. "Can you read it now Aunt Tabitha?"
Caleb had a skate board on his list...Yes it has, you guessed it GREEN wheels.
Ok that thing is just as big as him...what is a 3 year old doing with a skateboard, you ask? Riding it with Grandpa's help of course
And by himself. Look at him go!
Ethan was at his mom's this year, so we saved his present until he came over a couple of days later.