Saturday, January 8, 2011

Picture of the day #8

Ok so this is my picture of the day. This sweet little popcorn popper I got for Christmas! Caleb thinks it its the coolest. He always wants popcorn when he comes over now. The good thing is it doesn't make that much in one batch so I don't have a ton left over. It scared him the first time it started popping! It was cute.

I really wanted my picture today to be from was a mad house in there today...every check stand was opened and all had line at least 4 deep. But I was to scared to get out my camera and take a picture of people I didn't know. Then I was going to take it of the parking lot, but to many cars were waiting for spots. No parking anywhere or carts, they would bring carts in and they would be snagged before they got to where they normally put them. Crazy!

78 Days to a Skinnier Us....

Wow only 77 more days to go!! Not bad ;o). This morning we did Kenpo X, ha,ha,ha! I really think it is about the easiest one there is. But Tony cracks me up, and then I find myself saying what he is saying..."grab his collar pull him down and Bam! he's down, now kick the one behind you!!" Ha,ha,ha! Hey at least it make the workout fun! Ha,ha,ha! Not that we are going to go out and beat someone up, but we are getting the skills, like if Karate Kid, coat on, coat off, Ha,ha,ha!