Saturday, September 24, 2011

Beautiful Sunset..

 Wait that isn't a sunset!!
Neither is that!

Funny Corn

 I thought these 3 ears of corn were funny...the first one the kernels are every which way in a couple of rows..The middle one no row grew in a straight line. and the third one...has a section where the kernels didn't grow at all
And now for a view of the other side...all is normal except the one in the middle!!  Funny corn!

Video of the Day!!!!

Daisy has found some new friends....but I'm really surprised she is not allergic to them, she is allergic to everything...enjoy!

You bet cha...

 Thing 3 with a long green and yellow tongue.
 3 batters warming up!
 Two batters warming up!
 One batter swinging ;o)
Love the hand up....just like in the big league!!!

You expect me to believe.....

 That these is a baseball field at the end of this road?
I mean come on...look at this, nothing but cows...

I can't forget about these

 Here are some of the yummy onions from our garden....
...they have been fun to add to our canning items!!!

Picture of the day #268

Well we are on printer number 4 just in the last couple of months.  Ours had a part break, thanks to me getting a piece of stuck paper out, then Tabitha gave us hers and then it started only printing pictures and not words...weird I know.  So we went out and bought a new one, and get it all set up and guess what???  Yep that is right it didn't work!  So we took it back and got another one just like it but we have not got it hooked up yet, so who knows if it will work or not!!!  Wish us luck!  I still have a quilt to make for my youngest grandson, at this rate he will be graduating before I get it done!