Thursday, April 9, 2009

Terrible Thursday!!!!

I know some of you post Thankful Thursday....well today I'm posting Terrible Thursday!!

What a starts off with me being about 3 minutes late to work...which for me is really 13 minutes because I always get to work 10 minutes early, so I was not happy with myself

Then I get an email that is asking a me it was a sad email so I cried while I answered it...keep in mind this is at 7:00 a.m. It might not be sad to other but it is to I can't tell you what the email said..not yet any way. So since I cried it bugged my contacts...go figure, and I really didn't cry that many people around.

Next I could not find a file I needed ....I checked with records and they did not have it....well then I notice the kid is in 8th grade and not 7th like I I go looking in the 8th grade files and guess what I find??? You guessed it the file.

Then I get a request for another file and all I can find on them is out of district stuff, with a few copies on in district I call records and they said they do not have I put out an SOS to the other schools to see if anyone has it.

Then I work through my lunch...well most of it...but that was my choice so I can't complain ;o)

Then I drop the last of my fiber one bar on the floor....not happy and you all will be surprised to know that I picked it up and ate it!!! Yuck!

Ok back to the 2nd file I can't and records decide that I will just make a new file and we will wait and see what happens. No biggy....until I put the new file in with the withdrawn files for the year and guess what I guessed it her how did it get in there without the other stuff???? Some where it has to come back to me???? So now tomorrow I have to eat crow and email records and all the other schools and tell them....I have it...again!

Oh it gets better just wait....I decide I'm getting out on time for once...well of course that doesn't happen but I was only 10 minutes late so I lock up and head up to the main off to drop off some mail, talk to Kathie for about 5-10 minutes, then make the long, long walk to the parking lot only to be blinded by the sun...(what is that??), find my sun glasses and then can't seem to find my car anywhere....then it dawns on my that I was late so I parked on the other side of the building closer to my office!!! So I have to make the long, long, long walk all the way back to my car...Kathie was really good and only said "forgot where you parked?" with a little giggle.

I made it home and remembered that I didn't get stuff ready for my subs coming it now I have more work to do in the morning and no time because I need to cover the main office until 7:30, so now I will have to go in early to get my stuff done and be down there by is tough.

Now I'm going to exercise and then I have a meeting to go to at 7:00p.m. , so the night is young and who knows how it will end up!!! Ha,ha,ha

I guess I should say I'm thankful for my small trials that help me to see the humor in life ;O)