Thursday, April 7, 2011

One more day.... more day to get through and hopefully I won't go crazy!!  Although I came close to losing it tonight. Good thing I have a wonderful husband that steps in and loses it for me!!!  Ha,ha,ha!  just kidding but he was getting close also ;o).   Cheer try-outs are tomorrow!!  I have 27 girls trying out.  It was 29 but two dropped out.  It has been a crazy busy week, and then not feeling well has not helped out.   I'm just hoping for a good nights sleep, but first I have a meeting I need to go to and hopefully will be home and in bed by 9.   Wish me luck, and I hope I don't get stuck at school by myself with the creepy janitors....sorry but there is a couple of them that freak me out.  And everyone will be gone by the time we get done and then my judges will leave me and .................  Ha,ha,ha, can you tell I need some good sleep.   Ok I'm done rambling.   Hope you all have a great night!!  Sleep for me because I'm sure I'm not going to!!!!

Picture of the day #97

Ok I wished you could see today's picture...This week my allergies have really been bugging me, and Tuesday my eyes were so red it was funny.  I had to go home at lunch to take out my contacts and put on my glasses because the red eyes with my blue eyes was freaking everyone out.  I didn't think about taking a picture them but I did today.  Of course they are not as bad, but you can see the black circles under my eyes...I need to come up with a good story for those, other than that's just me!!