Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Picture of the day #75

The day before St Patricks Day we get a blizzard...I didn't have my camera with me at school to get a picture of it, but here is what it left behind.
I went to let the dogs out after I took my picture and Daisy looks outside then at me and then outside you want me to go out way!!! If you know Daisy she loves to go out. sprinkles all over my counter...Tatem were you at my house?;o)

14 Days to a Skinnier Us...

Yeah I don't know what we did today. But it had the corn cob pull up on it! Yes I made it with out getting need for my bucket Terriebeth ;o). I did ab ripper also but I didn't do the climb you leg one....I hate that one! For whatever reason it bugs me!!! It is by far not the hardest one...weird! Oh and I did 40 mason twists. Tim's thoughts....he has none!

Picture of the day #74

Just wanted you all to know that my dog that was on her last leg in Dec is still up and going!! Crazy dog!

15 Days to a Skinnier Us...

It was plyo day, times. I only made it halfway through, before I got sick again. I must be working to hard. Then I sat down to rest and recover for a minute and yep didn't make it back up. Tim worked hard and even came home and did doubles again! Oh well life goes on. I had our last basketball game, dropped a couple of cheerleaders off at home came home took allergy meds and that was that...Ha,ha,ha!