Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Picture of the day #18

Pool anyone....dad is ready and waiting for someone to challenge him...big kid or small kid!!!
Hey do you like the BSU scentsy warmer I got him?

68 Days to a Skinnier Us....

Wow what can I say....What are you thinking TerrieBeth...this is your favorite??? Ha,ha,ha! Ok it is a really tough workout but a really good workout. I only wished my back didn't hurt so bad so I could have worked out harder! But I did workout hard enough to work up a sweat! Yes Tim did too. There is some crazy things we do in this workout like prison push ups, ok they aren't so bad but the first one is... hands in two different places and one foot stacked on the other one! Do 5 then change hands and feet, oh ok that wasn't to bad either...but let it be known that I don't go all the way down....yet! Tim does ;o). Oh oh..my favorite one was you on your forearms and in plank and then you have to push all the way up into a straight arm plank...of course this is a push up but I don't know the name! And there is all kinds of fun banana and boat rolls we did. Fun times, good workout!! We recommend it to all! ;o0