Friday, June 25, 2010

Random Thoughts...

The III said to Tim the other day, "I really wants a credit card that never runs out of money!!!"

I was fixing my hair the other day and this sun is making my hair lighter ;o). No wait that is just my gray showing up more ;o)

There is more but for some reason my mind just went blank..

Tatem loves mirrors so there is something there, Terriebeth loves shopping so there is something there, and Tim...he just cracks me up all the time and I'm mad I can't think of one of his random thoughts....but don't worry I will come up with one!!

Happy Friday Everyone;o)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our Trainer....

Tabitha sent me a link to Bob Harpers of course I added it to my blog list...
Well today Tim, The III, and I were doing his daily challenge...some situps, which were suppose to be squats...I read it wrong, and some push ups....
Tatem decided to be our trainer...she went around saying "don't quit on me", "keep going you're doing good". Then she said to Tim and The III "You two are doing great", she looks at me and says "and you need a little more work"

Ha,ha,ha!!! if I stick with her I just might reach my goal!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday June 18, 2010

I have with me four wonderful boundary trained lovable dogs. If you know me, you will know that I was really, really, really brave to take these pictures....this one was not so bad but I had to snap it fast!!! Kollie and Coco on a dead run.This is how fast the Daisy and Vader got out...I took their picture first look how fast they are going...had to snap the other one then yell!!!
What is the fuss...well it seem that we are not the only one waiting for water....we are having a swimming party at our house and here are the guest. Yes these were all taken one after the other

Just barley got that one...
Trust me and the dogs there is one in there....

They are stinking everywhere....what is up with that???

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thought for the Day...

Ethan is worried that Tabitha can't make a cake all by herself!!!
Look at these Ethan...I think she will do you don't have to worry ;o)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last of the reunion pictures-Randy coming home!!!

Ok here is another one that won't go where it is suppose to. Weird. This is Debbie sister and her nephew...they found a place to hide from the wind ;o)

Ok it won't let me put this back where it is suppose to be so I guess we get to start off with Jessica and Kathleen

Randy couldn't have picked a better day to come home!!! Wind Chill was something like 16 degrees. But we all had fun anyway. Here is Lynne, Kenna, Nicole Kari and Scott. I think this is Debbie and her Sister and nephew...but then again it could be Tammy, Bobbi and one of her kids...from where I'm posting the picture is to small to tell sorry.

This is Debbie directing traffic...her new part time job ;o)

Here he comes!!! Yahoo!!!

Nope sorry just kidding....he has to go sign some release papers ;o(

I'm ready to sign those papers!!!

More people braving the cold...Nicole, Tom, Kiana and Katie

Debbie, Bobbi, Mike and Kari

Kenna, Lynne, Scott, Nicole and Kiana

Katie, Tabitha and Tonya...they don't look cold do they

Jessica, Tabitha, Tonya and Tammy. Look at Tammy and Tonya hair...does that tell you the wind was blowing pretty good?

Yahoo!!! Papers signed and here he comes....

Randy, Tammy and Lynne

SURPRISE!!! I think I caught his expression pretty good.

A big hug for two of his girls...

Tonya's and Jessie's hair tells it all...we headed somewhere warmer ;o)

Glad to have you home Randy!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 Reunions and a Funeral almost done...

Ok for those who are not family and read this blog I know this is boring stuff. For my kids who think I take to many pictures...(you are right!), but one day when you are older you just might be glad I took so many....right Randy? Here I tried to get a group picture...yeah there is a lot not in it ;o)
Randy and Debbie's expression that is a lot of people!
Mike and his sister Brandy and her husband John
Far left KC and his little one
TerrieBeth, KC's wife Alyssa, (sorry I know I spelled it wrong), Bobbi hiding and Justin
Caught you Bobbie!!!
Hailey...Bobbie's daughter
Hailey and Kaleah Bobbie's other daughter
Kiana, Nicole and Tom
Me, Tatem and Jessie
Tatem and Jessie
Tonya, Randy and Jessie
Tabitha ;o)
Tonya, Randy and Jessie again.
Tatem , Randy and Me
Terriebeth, Tatem, Randy and Tabitha
Kiana, Nicole and Tom again ;o)
Caleb and Kaleah
Kenna, Katie and Scott. I love it Katie ;o)
Jenny, Kenna,Randy, Lynne Katie and Scott
And one more time
Miss Tatem telling Aunt Glenna something very important
Trying to get another full room shot..of course it won't work but I had to try
From the other side...
What more people coming....
My crazy sista...gotta love her ;o)
(and yes she is going to kill me for this one)
Don't worry she never reads my blog so I'm safe!!!Reunions time....again
Randy and Tony
How are we suppose to eat...there is to many people we need to talk to.
Brett and Corine's little girl ;o) Yep she was the youngest one there...followed closely by KC's
The troublemakers...yes that includes Katie who is sitting in the next booth...I heard about it all ;o)
Tatem had to hold the baby....Don't get any ideas there Jessie
Melanie and her grand daughter.
Tony and his great grand daughter

He wanted a picture of his pancake! Funny boy.
Yep he is smiling because he thinks it is funny
Hey look I'm eating a chocolate chip....
Tatem with her Uncle TJ and Grandpa
Tatem and Caleb cousins forever
Ok this picture was taken at the same time all the rest of these pictures were. I will make whoever guesses what it is a batch of TV mix or Chocolate Chip coookies. So make sure you comment and say what you think it took me a while to remember but once I did I said yep I can see that now!!! Can't wait to read your guesses.
If you are under here you can see what is going on and not be in the way
See I didn't get stepped on and they don't have a clue I'm here ;o)
Oh yeah I see what you mean ;o0
Picture time...It has been about 6ish years since we have all been together in one place.
We are trying to take a picture here....

Melanies grand I wished I could remember her starts with an M
Husbands and wifes get to join us....we missed you Wayne!

Just keep smiling....on and on and on

Something is moving under there....
And smiling.....
Randy and Debbie with all the great neices and nephews...totally crazy!

Not sure what was going on here. But I love the look on these 3 faces....
Debbie's nephew...who was a pretty good camera man....
Wait is that the two who don't look or act alike again....

Good times had by all....don't forget to comment on what you think that picture was...I can't wait to make someone TV mix or chocolate chip cookies!!
We miss all of you who could not be there and hope to see you soon....