Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Of course we made an almost daily stop at IN-OUT-BURGER Yum!!!
Of course it is always hard to find room for us all to sit together.
John can't wait to dive in!
Good Food... Good Company!!
Random picture
Oops we forgot to get hats at first...good thing, because we lost the kids after that!!! Who knew hats could be so much fun!!
Hat Pictures....
More Hat Pictures! Can you see me now???
Sure I can!
Nope not me!!
Hollie polishing off the shake and the boys being boys
Grandpa didn't feel good (had a cold), so it looks like he is taking a cat nap. Not sure what story John is telling but TJ looks skeptical and Terriebeth looks...yikes!!!
Now we are doing the hat dance!!!! Notice you have to pull the hat down over your eyes!
The Thirds almost last time at in n out for the year...last one on camera!!Tatems last time on camera at in n out for the year!!!
John's last time on camera at In N Out for the year!!

Terriebeths last time on camera at IN N OUT for the year!!

Ethan's last time at In n out for the year!!! We just came from swimming you can still see his goggle marks! Too cute!
What I can't come back for a year...well I'm not eating then...if I don't eat maybe we can stay;o)
TJ and Hollie's last time eating at In N Out for the year!!!

Don't forget to check out
Terriebeth's blog http://tb-n-j.blogspot.com/
And Hollie's blog http://sturges-family.blogspot.com/
to see a different view of things on this trip!! Fun! Keep checking back daily for new post...lots of pictures and trying to do just a few at a time!!! Ha,ha,ha!


Anonymous said...

The kids went nuts when the hats came out. Silly's. I was going to update tonight but my Kodak program is buggin'. Ahhh...maybe tomorrow.

Hollie said...

TerrieBeth, you slacker! And at this rate Terrie, it will take you all summer to blog our trip! Fun, fun.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

The photos make a priceless time capsule of the kiddos. I love seeing how much fun you're having being a Grandma.

tabs said...

I missed In and Out Burger! Not that I would have eaten there seven times (right?) but still-it's pretty good.