Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ethan's 2009 (6 year old) Birthday lunch

Here is Ethan ready to go for lunch...doesn't look too excited does he?He wanted to go to Rockies because he wanted a corn dog. He orders it and the waitress tells him they are out of is his sad face.
He is happy a hot dog instead...but I don't think he touched it. He ate the fries though.

This is a take a bite picture...nope didn't tell them I was taking it!
Yep he got the milkshake always do on your birthday lunch with the grandparents.

Wait for it......

The milkshake beard......
and mustache
All done but don't forget my shake and my rootbeer!!

To top the day off he had to go back to my house to race grandpa in Mario Cart.

Happy Birthday Ethan.....yes it was way back in Dec.
I'm a little behind ;o)


Tim said...

Happy birthday Ethan! Going out to lunch and playing Mario Cart was a lot of fun.

Tim said...

Happy birthday Ethan! Going out to lunch and playing Mario Cart was a lot of fun.

Hollie said...

You spoiled boy! Sorry they were out of corn dogs. You sure do like Rockies though!