Sunday, April 25, 2010

Earning Money!!!

With vacations coming soon, the kids want to earn some spending money. They are pretty good workers so we had them come over to help with yard work. Here Tatem is picking up sticks after a big wind storm came through...look how many are in the wheelbarrow ;o)The III got the fun job of cleaning out the ditches.
Love the face...picking up sticks is so much fun!
Still raking!!!
I just need a little break ;o)
The III and Grandpa still working...
I need a drink ;o) Now there is a smile
Off to dump the wheelbarrow in great grandpa's truck.
Shoveling it in!!!! Watch out below!
Can't remember if he is bring the shovel down or taking it up! Let's go with down ;o)
Grandpa taking a hand full...
Ok this one is going is the stuff still on the shovel??
Yeah maybe I could play the WII?
Yep it is a of the knights little guys got out. The kids thought it was great! (side note look how clean the III got the ditches! in one word AWESOME! right Tatem!)
Close up!
There she goes!
Sweeping up the driveway!
All done!! Great Job The III and Tatem! You can come over and help any day!!!
Ethan and Caleb you can also come any day!
Thanks for the help!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

You can have my boys more during the summer so start thinking of some good projects for them ;)