Sunday, August 15, 2010

Easter Sunday...

Yeah I know I'm way behind...My kids loved laffy taffy when they were growing up and I found some the Saturday before Easter. So I had them all get around the table and close their eyes until I said go and then they could open them and grab what they wanted. As you can see Hollie and John had no idea what was happening...but look at my kids go.John bringing in the turkey and Caleb waiting for his surprise...he wanted the laffy taffy...sorry bud it was for the big kids.

The little kids got umbrellas!! They loved them

Poor Lexie is the neighbor and nope I didn't have one for her!

Eating Easter dinner....

What ya doing Hollie??

Well she got that glass of water.

Playing inside basketball with grandpa

The slam dunk!

And he shoots

Let me show you how it's done!

Grandpa coming into help, or steal the ball...

The long shot...

Nice action the faces...

Not sure if grandpa is cheating here or not...

playing on the trampoline

Ha,I got cha!

Rock band of course.

Look at that concentration on the drummers face.

Where is Aunt Tabitha going?

Still jumping.

Here or here?

Still playing...

Ok I'm pretty scared of is Tatem telling it is ok...she wants to jump over me.

I'm pretty sure she will land right one me...

Please Grandma all you have to do is roll! Ha,ha,ha!

Grandpa and Terriebeth join rock bank.

Look we did it!!

Love the faces!

That ends another Easter, can you believe that Christmas is in 4 months and 2 weeks!!



Hollie said...

Wow. You got some awesome shots of me...

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...
