Thursday, January 27, 2011

59 Days to a Skinnier Us....

Today was yoga!! I know I used to say I love yoga, but this morning I was getting pretty tired of vinyasas and downward dogs!! It could be because the doubles are killing me...I think if I did them both in the morning like TerrieBeth does it would be so bad but doing them at night....yikes I just get to bed and it's time to get up! Ha,ha,ha! I love the balancing ones, and the corpse one is my favorite and it will always be my favorite!! Every time I forget about yoga abs....yeah...not! Ha,ha,ha! All Tim has to say is it was Yoga X, I'm getting bored with Yoga X. The funny thing is we can both go down a heck of a lot farther than we could when we started, and we can hold the poses a lot longer. I really think it is funny that Tim can do some really hard ones better than me and I can do some really hard ones better than him. I guess it's funny because if you can do one why can't you do the other. And we are both getting better at one of the hardest ones...we can even make contact with our hands which we couldn't when we started. Sorry I don't know the name of it!

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