Wednesday, January 26, 2011

60 Days to a Skinnier Us...

Yahoo! We've made it through 30 days...and right now at 9:24 p.m. I dead tired. Didn't help that we were up at 4 to take TerrieBeth and John to the airport, then we came home and did Cardio X, went to work and then home to do back and biceps, then me to a meeting at church and just got home! What a long day! Ok for the workout...I don't really mind Cardio X, it is a good mixed up workout and it is only 45 minutes....not the back and arms are ready to fall off. They haven't recovered from Monday's workout, and I used my new 8lbs weights for the whole thing....yeah I'm pretty much dying...Tim said he is to tired and to old to comment on today's workout! Ha,ha,ha! This doubles thing is killing us! Next week will be even worse, because I will have to be at school till 6 on two doubles nights! No fun! Yoga tomorrow...well I'm starting to hate the first part of yoga so maybe I will sleep in!! Ha,ha,ha!! Here's to another 30 days + 30 days!!!

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