Wednesday, January 19, 2011

67 Days to a Skinnier Us...

Well we did boxing today! Fun stuff let me tell you. I like this one. But around 1ish, my stomach muscles started to feel worked out, and I was thinking what could have caused that we did boxing it wouldn't do it, and then it hit me...even though I couldn't work out to hard yesterday because of my back, I did enough for my stomach to notice ;o). Tim said his didn't hurt because he is buff!! Ha! Anyway on the first part of today's workout I'm getting the feet and the hands and hips down, but from the middle on...yeah the feet and the hips just don't work with the arms! We were once again breathing hard shortly after we started the workout and our first thought is, wow I'm out of shape, and then the second thought I'm not working as hard as they are because they are breathing a lot harder than we are! Crazy....and now we are scared for next week! Thanks TerrieBeth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WaaHaHaHa (that's an evil laugh). Not trying to scare you though...just giving you a heads up!