Tuesday, January 11, 2011

75 Days to a Skinnier us...

Wow the time is flying...We had a fun workout today! Well I at least thought so. Tim wasn't feeling well so he didn't enjoy it as much as I did. I have to tell you when we are jumping the river he said something like if you don't want to jump the river, then jump over that guy you just beat up!!! Ha,ha,ha! Those are not his exact words but I thought it was pretty funny and I don't remember hearing it before!


Hollie said...

You guys need to start calling TJ at 5 to get him out of bed. He hasn't worked out since Saturday though he does say he has been sick. And I totally had a dream last night that he was a little too friendly with "her" and I had to try so hard not to be too mad at him when I woke up.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Ha,ha,ha!! I love it!!!

On e the work out side he said he didn't have the right DVD, he needed to get it from TerrieBeth??? Is he really just slacking!