Wednesday, January 5, 2011

81 Days to a Skinnier Us....

Well I hate to say it but......we did another day!!! Including the fun filled Ab Ripper X ;o) I really don't think I/we will ever get the reverse bicycle , but hey I'm sure it is pretty funny to watch me try! The guy said something pretty funny today and I was going to blog it but I can't remember what it was. How can I be on my second go round and not remember things. Oh well it was fun and I can't wait for tomorrow, (despite the fact that I will be getting up at 4:15), Yoga Baby!!!


Hollie said...

TJ is doing the yoga now so we will see how he likes it.

And I can't believe you stuck with the picture of the fire instead of switching to one of Calebs hand ;)

Anonymous said...

I still pick up on things he says that I never noticed before...he's pretty funny!