Saturday, February 19, 2011

38 Days to a Skinnier Us....

Wow time is flying...we are almost down to 3o days, that means we over half way done with our first 90 days...of course we have to keep going so we can stay fit and almost trim ;o). Ok so today was a busy day, and we didn't get a chance to do our workout until 6:30 p.m., and it was 1 1/2 hours of yoga!!! I was a little excited to do it later int he day just to see if I could go farther in the moves, some I could some I couldn't. And I started feeling a little queasy on and off again today, but I made it through the workout, and now I'm dying, ughhhhhhhhh. I will have to say I did Crain for 3 seconds!!! yahoo! Tim did it for 31 seconds straight. Yoga belly 7 was a killer today! I felt every single second of them!!! Tim said it's yoga belly 20 not yoga belly 7, it's not a ride like he's never had before, and he want's to make sure I say he did Crain for 31 seconds!

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