Wednesday, February 2, 2011

53 Days to a Skinnier Us...

Wow Tim is getting skinny!!! Not me so much but I have been up since 3:30 this morning!!! And it is 9:30 now and I'm still going today's workout...Let's see it was just me, Tim has caught a cold and had a rough night. I figured I might as well get up, because he would scare me awake blowing his nose a couple more times so I wouldn't get any sleep any way. And I'm glad I did because if I didn't I would be doing two hours of workouts right now, yeah staying up till 11 working out is not for me ;O)...ok back to the workout, it was a little spooky at first because I get the TV on and was putting down my mat and there is some guy walking down the street, What it is 3:45 in the morning and it's freezing out there who in the world would be walking out there and why??? But I soon let it go and got busy with the workout. The time flew by. It was lots of curls and pull ups, then ab ripper X (I did 25 mason twist, feet off the ground), then cardio. I was surprised that I wasn't tired when I was done. I felt worked out but not tired. But by 8:30- 9:oo I was feeling a little tired, and my arms were heavy. But the more I ate the better I felt, not that I over ate I'm just talking my breakfast and snack!! Yummmy!! So I had no problem after that with being tired, I made it through school, the game, and a meeting, with out sleeping at all ;o). Tim felt a little better when he got home so he did the back and biceps workout, it was a good workout he said and he made it through Ab ripper x, but said don't do ab ripper if you are sick ;o) Really???? He didn't do the cardio!! What a dope!!! Ok off to bed so I can get up in a few hours to do yoga!!! Love that yoga!!!! Ok not so much the first part but the last part ;o) You know the corpse's my favorite!!!

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