Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy Things...

Thing 4 played his mommy, daddy and Aunt Tabitha is power bowling and guess who won???
He did it all by himself and the others didn't go easy on him either!
They all three watched Aladdin!
Thing 5 seemed to enjoy it just as much as the other two!
Oh there is the flash
There you go all 3 of them watching the movie!
He also got a new chair thing...look how well he sits at almost 3 months!
I love his face expression, he can keep up with the other things all 9 of them!
Grandpa caught a good look, Ha,ha,ha!


Hollie said...

Caleb LOVES movie dates (includes popcorn mixed with M&Ms). Thanks Tab for joining him.

As for bowling, I am pretty sure Caleb conned us all into attempting to spin while bowling which maybe I am wrong, but I think affected our scores (though I was having a horrible bowling night).

Anonymous said...

Ummmm....why is he wearing a helmet?