Sunday, September 4, 2011


 We love the way Tatem loaded her plate...notice in the middle her little cupcake!
 Austin and Daisy loved being under the table!
 I was trying to show how big Daisy is...her head out on one side of the table and her feet out the other!
 Our wonderful, way to much of game time food!!!
 Another close up picture of Daisy being stretched out under the table, Austin just happened to sneak in on it and Tatem just happen to give him a pat at the right moment!
 The right sided of the moon!!  Taken by Tabitha because I couldn't get it to focus!
 Here is my try ;o)
And my try with Tim holding my arms still!!  Ha,ha,ha!!!  Moon is really pretty tonight too, but no pictures!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Fun game and good food! I can't believe you have never grown your own potatoes either!