Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another fun filled Saturday!

 Tatem's big ending dance, the little kids were in the back and you couldn't see them through the big kids but I got this one picture.
 Daddy and JT surprised her with these beautiful flowers!!  I'm guess they were from mommy too.
 She wanted her picture taken in from of the pink tree!
 She is so cute!
 A family picture in front of the red and white tree!
 A little closer!
 In back of Snoopy's doghouse
 Complete with Grandpa taking a picture!
 In front of the tree on the Grove!
 With JT and Grandpa taking pictures!
 Sorry they are so tiny but I wanted to get the whole tree in!
 The first ones were without my flash.
 Here is a picture with Daddy, but now the flash is on the lights don't show up as well!
 Grandpa still snapping pictures!
 JT with the Tall Nutcracker
 The Nutcracker is tall, but look JT is taller than the trees!!  ;o)
JT and Tatem

1 comment:

tabs said...

So cute! I am so sad I missed it :(