Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 4 in wonderful Japan

Ok I'm starting with a picture of the garbage man.  He is the one dressed in blue in the middle of the picture.  They don't drive down every street.  And trash day is almost everyday.   One day is paper, one, plastic, etc.  I have other pictures on this but they are on my phone.  So off to the rest of day 4.
 Ok somehow, ( I know you're going to say it's the operator,)  my pictures got all out of order on this post so bear with us!!! As we bounce back and forth thoughout the day.
 Hanging out at home....after our morning walk in the rain for Hot Chocolate!

 Ok I loved this set up!  We need to remodel our bathroom and I think this is what I want.  Story goes....they still share bath water in Japan, so you shower off first before you get in the bath.  Oldest to youngest I think.   I'm not hooked on that part but I did like the shower set up!
 Waiting for the elevator
 Back to the for the Apartment they have to take their trash to the trash room.  Look at how great and organized this is!  Amazing!

 Hanging out in the Lobby waiting for.....I can't remember what??   Ha,ha,ha!

 Oh yeah!  TB!!!

 We had to go to the post office for money, and although I never got a picture of the post office I did get the bikes by the office building.
 Ok these ones are suppose to be first!   Walking bright and early to get Hot Chocolate at the busiest Starbucks in the world, correct me if I'm wrong TerrieBeth.   We wanted to get there before it got too bad, and made it just in time.

 Ok pictures out of order again...This is a crazy toy store...I can't remember the name.  There is about 4 floors and you have to pay for what you buy on each floor.
 Now off to eat lunch at one of their favorite places...It's located on this cute little street.
 King Kebab

 Before or after lunch, I can't remember since my pictures are all mixed up.  We went to the Meiji  Shrine.  It was a rainy day, you would think there would not be many people out.  But there were a few.  The beautiful walk into the Shrine

 My cute little ones with their umbrella's...I had them do a couple of jumps...too funny

 We had to cross this little bridge and it was so pretty.
 These are barrels full of Saki, that have been donated to the Emperor Meiji who is dead.

 Ok sorry out of order again. I wanted to get a picture of all the umbrella's on the street.  But this was on the early morning walk.

 Ok these pictures are from the Starbucks, the Worlds Busiest one.  We took our cocoa upstairs to watch the Shibuys Scramble, ( the busiest intersection in the world), get busier by the trainload.  This was not as busy as it was when we went at night.  We took pictures with out cell phones then, it was like we were in the Olympics or something you had to hold the phones up high to get a picture of all the people it was crazy!!!  And if you stopped walking you will get ran over.   You can cross kitty corner both ways even though there is only a painted crosswalk one way.  It is crazy!

This is a video of the Scramble!  Gives you a little better idea.
Back to Meiji Shrine
These are Barrels of wine that have been offered to Emperor  Meiji.  They are across the road from the Saki.
Not sure but if you click on the picture you might be able to read the sign and learn a little more about them.

 Miss Tatem and her cute pink umbrella...she would walk in the rain and sing, follow the pink umbrella,  

 This is outside the Shrine.  Ok people were doing this...there is no way I would have done it....think of the germs!!

 The steps up to the Shrine, I thought I got some pictures of the inner courtyard they must be on my cell phone.  Not sure how I got the camera on black and white but I think it turned out pretty good!  Not sure how it got back on color either!

 Taking  a trail off to the side to go to TerrieBeth's favorite museum. 
 Ok there was huge spiders in these trees...we did take some pictures.  I ended up deleting them from the camera after they gave me nightmares that night...there might be some on my cell phone!   Ughhhh
 This was beautiful!  The camera got it pretty close to real thing!
 The Museum I'm sad to say was closed.  Only open on Holidays and Monday's or something like that.  It was weird times.

 Vending machine outside the Museum.

 Walking back on a different trail...So pretty.
 Oh wait what is that behind us!!!  Tokyo.  This Shrine I think is on 22 acres in the middle of Tokyo.  It is crazy you forget you are in the middle of a big city!
 We decided to stop for more hot chocolate before we caught the train home to meet John  for dinner.

 Twining is Winning!  Tatem did my hair!
 That night we went to Costco!!!  For dinner and Thanksgiving shopping!  I do have pictures of all our back packs stuffed with food and us carrying rolls and potatoes in our hands back to the train.  But there are on my cell and will be posted later!

Ok well that doesn't seem like much for the day but what do I know, my pictures are all out of order!
Stay tuned for more pictures tomorrow.


Hollie said...

I want to see the pictures of you carrying all the food from Costco :) Looks like lots of fun and a beautiful place. I love all the colors.

TerrieBeth said...

Crazy busy fun! I am tired all over again remembering everything! And yes, busiest Starbucks in the can only order one size and it's not a full menu :-)