Friday, December 19, 2014

Japan Day 3

Ok got it figured out...seems I didn't use my camera at all on day 3 just my phone.  Now that is weird! Ok now that I've got these from my phone I think the one lunch picture I have posted is from my camera and it is from Day 3 not whatever day I have it on!
We went to an Outlet Park Mall today.  Here is Tatem standing in one of the cute sitting areas.  It played music once something was inside.

 The Tree outside of the mall!
 We found this interesting... it is also outside the Mall, not sure how it tied in.  But Baseball is a BIG thing in Japan.
 They had this outside the mall too.  Not sure what it is suppose to be but the kids had fun climbing on it.  Just 3 rocks placed side by side??

 Headed out to dinner...just another view of the street/sidewalk and all the umbrella's

 This place is called the Deep Fried Place.  I know I have more pictures from this place but this is all I can find.
There is a bar like a salad bar and you pick out what food you want to Deep Fry.  It is a reservation only place and really hard to get into.  Once you get your food you go back to your table and fry it!  It was kinda fun and yes I found a few things to eat.

 I think I lost whatever was on my stick...bread or a potato, I love how TerrieBeth is smiling at the camera and Trip is worried and I'm confused!!!  ha,ha,ha
 Just wanted to catch all the umbrella's, people and traffic!

 Love the sidewalk here!

 Christmas once again.  But sometimes the translation doesn't come out right!!!
 This tree is lit up, so click on it and you will be able to see it better.

Stay tuned for more fun filled days in Japan