Monday, December 15, 2014

Trip to Japan day one

Well I couldn't resist putting this picture in.  This was not day one, but a day or two before.  The dogs were happy to stay home in front of a nice warm fire!  Funny dogs!
Ok these are just pictures from the camera, so we miss the first part of the trip with the pictures that are on our cell phones....but don't worry we have enough here that you won't notice you are missing some.
Here are some pictures of the trip in on the Slyliner  (the fast train from the airport)
The beautiful sun set!
Ok this is day one...getting up bright and early to go hike Mt  Takao.  Tate waiting for everyone to come out of the Apt.
Climbing in the elevator that is suppose to hold 11 people...the 6 of us just barely fit.
The entrance to their apt.
Walking to the train station
Vending machines....these things are everywhere!!
On the train! Not to bad yet but it got worse!
The ticket booth for Mt. think that is a lot of people just wait!

There are 3 ways up the Mt.  One is to climb it all the way, two was a rail car part way up, and three was a chair lift part way up.  We got to do the chair here is the line waiting for it.  It went pretty fast.

Tim taking pictures of the great Fall Colors

Finally on our first part of the hike.   Tim and Trip are in the red, TerrieBeth and John in the blue.

The scary part....once you really start going up the ground gets way below you....thus the next....scary!
Beautiful...but not to the top yet!

This is just a stop along the way....lots of little shops, so many people you couldn't get close to most of them if you wanted to.

Yep in the middle of this mountain is a Monkey Park?

They have a ton of monkeys up there.  They were pretty cute and entertaining.

A cute little place to eat or just sit in the monkey park
Two funny kids!
They had Shrines along the way also

 Still climbing...we haven't got to the best part yet.....

 Just around the corner!!!
 Yep there it is...the top of the mountain and the hundreds of people up there!  I told you there was a lot of people.   John asked at work why so many people were there (this was their 3rd time up the mountain.), and they said because of the Fall Colors.  Can't blame them it was beautiful.

 Mt Fuji is out there....just a faint outline....I'll have better pictures of it later.

 So we decided the only way down was the trial...all the way.   So much nicer not as many people!
 Which way do we go?

 Another Shrine and a beautiful waterfall!  Which you can't see in either picture very well

 Train ride home!

 Off to dinner.  Look at all the lights and all the people!

 We went to Go Go Curry...I think that is how they spell it!  First you have to go down some skinny stairs...the menu is on the wall.  You order and pay before you go in.

 Waiting for our food...everyone is tired from a fun filled day but the night is still young

 The small kitchen get to watch them make your food 
 Oh yeah, they serve you once your order gets done...they don't wait and bring it all out at once.  So sometimes the first one to get their food is done before the last one gets theirs.  Don't worry we paced ourselves so that didn't happen to us.

 A parade of police officers...not sure what they were doing, I don't know if John  found out or not.

 After dinner we went to Cold Stone for dessert!  Yep good ol cold stone!!

Then home to bed...more fun pictures to come for day two...or maybe I'll do cell phone day one!  Who knows it will be a surprise!


TerrieBeth said...

Super fun but busy day! Didn't you get to rest at all on vacation?!?!?

Hollie said...

The fall colors were beautiful! Can't wait to see and read more :)