Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Raking and bagging leaves

Here is the yard before Tim starting raking for the second or third time this year...where is Kollie??? She really does blend in with the leaves just not when I'm making her sit for a picture...well maybe a little..did you find her in the first picture John??
Here is Daisy Mae having a great time running through them...and no she doesn't blend in...unless it is dark, Ha,ha,ha!!

Here is one grandson running away from us....go Caleb go!!! Hey he almost blends in!!

I'll go get him....Grandson #2 hot on the trail of #1..yep he almost blends in also!!

Boys come back goes Dad!!! A little slow and no he doesn't blend in ;o)

Caleb and Daisy still on the you think they will find them??? Ha,ha,ha Go Caleb go!!Ok time for Tim to get to the serious work...he did it all by himself this time and it took him about 8 hours...

Don't you love how green the grass is now that you can see it??? Keep raking Tim...there is still lots of leaves.

Wanted to show you he had bags of leaves over on this side also...

Daisy could hide in that pile....

Tim....poor guy I made him go stand in the road by his hard work!! It was only 67 bags....this time...he has Grampa Wildes truck full of them and has already made a trip to the dump with a load, not to mention the bags he got from the first couple of times... Looks good Tim

Come on more shot...I want to blog this!! Lindsey Lou you want to come help next time??? Hee,hee,hee!



Lindsay Lou said...

67 bags of leaves? Thats weak!;) Wow he must be really sore now. How big is your yard anyway? Your dogs are so cute and I didn't even see Kollie until you mentioned her. Thats really cool and I bet it was a lot of work for the garbage men to stuff all of those leaves in the truck. Hehe. Any way, my mom showed me that e-mail you sent her and I totally remember you! Feel free to leave comments anytime. *lindsay!
P.s. I'd love to help rake leaves!;)

tabs said...

Man...67 bags of leaves already...not looking good for poor ole Dad with all the leaves still on the trees!

Anonymous said...

Nice garage. Why didn't dad use that leaf pick-er upper thingy you got him?

Hollie said...

I can't wait till the kids are old enough we can send them over to help. I am sure that they would love to come over now, but wouldn't be much help. Those big pile of leaves are too tempting.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Lindsay... our yard is about 1/3 of an acre...not to big. You can come over anytime to rake ;o)

Tabitha...not so many still on the trees..but another light raking or two should do it!

Terriebeth...It is a nice garage isn't it..we have the best builders here to help. As for the yard vac...he did use it the first couple of times but there was to many leaves down this time.

Hollie...we were going to have all 4 grandkids come over and rake and we would pay them a samll fee for their christmas shopping but it never worked out...maybe there is still hope.