Friday, March 20, 2009

What's in your fridge????

Ok all ....I saw this on my niece & nephew's blog and thought it was a fun idea ;o)

So lets see what you all have in your fridge. In other words I tag you all!!! Fun!
We have a bunch a good for you beans on the top but those are for the are the hot dogs in the door ;o) Look at that homemade salsa, all those fruits and veggies...YumOk for this fridge....yes we have two....we figure after 28 almost 29 years of marriage and after raising 3 kids we should be spoiled a here is the good stuff we keep hidden....Pop lots and lots...try to only buy when it's on sale...V-8 juice yum.... and then Tim hit a sale on ice cream....50 cents a box so we have lots and lots of ice cream!!! Yum!!! But there is some scones and chicken rice bowls in there also! And maybe a few mini pizza's but you can't see them!!! If you look close at the caffeine free diet will see the can is bulging....seems the caffeine free is the only one that explodes when it get to least in our fridge!! I find that interesting!

Can't wait to see what you all have in your fridge.....


tabs said...

You're crazy. A whole extra fridge for ice cream and soda.

Hollie said...

Caleb looked at it with me and pointed at the ice cream telling me he wants it.

I am going to have to wait till after we go shopping to take a pic of my fridge because it is pretty empty right now.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

There is NO WAY I'm even taking pictures of the inside of our fridge(s) let alone putting them on my blog!!

I couldn't resist copying and pasting this comment that came to my email! I love it!!! ;O)

Lindsay Lou said...

We have 2 fridges, too. But One is for regular, everyday food and the other is just for extra milk, pop, or just stuff that won't fit in our kitchen fridge.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I just might have to wipe clean our fridge before I take those pictures! I remember one day I was out front talking to Stacy and the kids were running around in the yard and they ran out back and came back with popcicles. Stacy was like "did they go to the neighbors and get those?" Nope there's a freezer on the back deck! The kids know where the good stuff is.

Hailey, Brandon & Connor said...

I am glad you actually did it! You are the only one!

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Hollie did it, a week later after she went shopping. Terriebeth is waiting to go shopping...but they are the only other two I know who did it!! I thought it was a great idea! Well after I thought about it for a while ;o)