Saturday, March 7, 2009


Well most of you know that I do not have a fence around my dogs are boundary trained so they know they can not leave the yard... Well the old one does have a tendency to sneak out on us from time to time...the younger one has never done it and she is 4 now. Ok on with the story....the other day I let them out and went on about my business. After about 20 minutes to 1/2 hour I noticed that they had not came back in yet ( yes they know how to open the door), and my first thought was...they took off... the pup got brave and followed Kollie out of the yard. I ran to the back door....and this is what I worries ;o)


tabs said...

THEY don't know how to open the door...just Kollie does. Silly Daisy won't even walk through if it is open enough for her head to fit through and you are calling her. It must be because she ran into when it was closed too many times as a puppy. Crazy dogs!

Anonymous said...

They were just hanging out enjoying the day!