Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another sleep over and blood cells ;o)

Ethan and Caleb got to sleep over again not to long ago...Here they are still sleeping after the 3rd phone call from work at like 7:10 a.m. But I think with the phone calls and someone taking pictures..we started to wake up ;o). They are so cute!
Watching a movie and drinking juice...and the best staying in our jammies most of the day!!! Yahoo!!! That was a favorite for all 3 of us ;o)
Out come Aunt Tabitha's is Caleb hiding with one of the cells.... Funny kid
Here is Ethan ...Aunt Tabitha's little scientist...he can name all the cell for you...I only know the white on on the is guessed it a White blood cell!!! Fun...what I always wanted for a toy...Ha,ha,ha Crazy kids
Don't forget to look at older posts...I've been trying to do one a day and you might have miss a good one!!! Ha,ha,ha...that is an evil laugh by the way!!


Hollie said...

I love the pictures of them sleeping. We are glad that you were able to get Ethan and had fun.

tabs said...

They are too cute. And yes, Ethan is quite the little scientist in training. He can tell you the names of the "germs", which ones are viruses, which are bacteria *and* what a white blood cell does (he says it "eats the germs"). Not too bad for a 5 year old.

Hailey, Brandon & Connor said...

Connor and I saw those little toys at the BYU-I bookstore- he love them. Don't they come in some pretty nasty viruses and bacterias too? I should have got some!

tabs said...

Yes they do! Ethan is holding Ebola and I have Mad Cow. You can get them at

Anonymous said...

Cute kiddos!