Saturday, August 14, 2010

You want us to what????

Yep that is right I want you to dye Easter Eggs...everyone should do it, not just those with kids. Look how excited they are.Tabitha is getting a little more into it!
Tim had a hard time focusing, something good must have been on the TV.
All his eggs have to be in just the right spot!
There is a smile...who cares if it is a fake one?
Look what she did! I love it!
What a dope!
Yep another dope!
And yet a third dope!
Don't let them fool you...they had me laughing the whole time we were dying the eggs!


Hollie said...

Are you guys actually able to eat all those eggs?

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Sometimes ;o) Ymmy egg salad sandwichs!!