Sunday, September 19, 2010

Caleb and TJ's Birthday, Taking care of dogs and stay at home presents...2010

Here is Caleb's present from the SprattsTJ opening a present from the Spratts...
Yeah a new shirt....
Must be more in there...
Another shirt for work! Yahoo....
TJ still unwrapping...
Yahoo shoes.....
They are not my size!!
Tabatha opening a taking care of the dogs presents...
The III checking on Caleb...
Tab and Grandpa opening their stay at home presents...
A new hot coco mug!
And a key chain...
A picture from above...
Stay at home presents....Fun!
The III is always running in these pictures...I don't remember that.Yeah...popcorn bowls...
Sorry deleted Tabs picture and for some reason I have trouble getting them back on and in the right place so sorry Tab ;o(

Close your eyes...

Ok open them....
The III and Tatem have been waiting for this moment...they already got theirs and are ready to show the other two how to use them...
Close your eyes...

Open them....Ha,ha,ha...just kidding...those picture were accidentally deleted form the camera! Here is TJ with one more present for his birthday!
Here are the ladies reenacting their pictures with the dresses on...
What a bunch of dopes!
Told ya! Funny ladies...
Oh is a picture of Terriebeths finger when she shut it in the fire door at the condo on the first day there...this is a good week to 10 days after she did it! Poor thing.

Happy Birthday and Thanks for everything guys!!!

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