Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Roaring Springs....

Here is Ethan going down one of the slides..Here is Tatem...wait she went to fast ;o)
The mean grandma that I am I convinced my grand kids to stand under the bucket.
The four kids getting ready to go down a slide
One, two , three, go...come on Caleb...
That was fun...now how is Hollie going to get down?? Ha,ha,ha
Try the bucket one more time...just in case you were not there the first time ;o)

Here it comes....
Look at the faces...

I think this ride is called Tidal Wave...here is TJ and Tabitha getting off it...down below is a video of them on it....
Here is John and Tim getting off, below is a video of them on it!


Hollie said...

Roaring springs was fun. Just wish my boys weren't so chicken. We will definitely have to do that again next year... sorry Austin, you will be too little and probably stay behind :)

Anonymous said...

Avalanche! That one is my favorite, although those dumb raft are heavy! Austin will be able to come and play in the splash pool...6 months is old enough!