Saturday, November 20, 2010

TJ's Birthday Dinner

Now he had got the fork and they are in a battle!
Tim and the kids ordered a sample plate..Here is the girls getting ready to dig in...
Here are the boys all watching something different on the big screens....

Grandpa ordered a surprise hot dipping sauce...yep it looks a little hot even for grandpa
Hollie just chilling
The only picture I have of the birthday boy
That's what I'm talking about...yummmy cheese sticks...Caleb has not problem eating his.
Neither does Tatem....
Caleb trying a different approach.

Miss Tatem still going for the old way!! Sorry I deleted the picture ;o(
Ethan and Trip eating their cheese sticks...Trip never seems to bore me with his face expressions!!
What Tabitha got the surprise HOT sauce!! Ha,ha,ha
TerrieBeth trying it....ok it brought tears to her eyes and Tabitha's didn't get that picture
Group shirt picture...
Crowns and all! Hope you had a fun Birthday dinner TJ we all did!


Hollie said...

It was something about Buffalo Wings or maybe that is what it was called period. I don't exactly remember. I really like how it was TJ's birthday, but the kiddos all get their picture taken with Grandpa...
Thanks for dinner! It was good.

Anonymous said...

I like the shirts and crowns! It really made for a cute pic!