Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Picture of the day #67

Today's picture tells me I shouldn't drive anymore....yes here I am taking a picture while driving down the road...I wanted to get a picture of the snow...
Still driving...didn't think first one turned out
Yeah neither did the second, maybe if I tilt the camera....
Well that one didn't work so well either...wait I turned the corner...looks better here....
Nope one more try... maybe a little better
6th times the charm....it is amazing I got to work in one piece...what was I thinking taking picture and checking to see if they turned out all while driving down the road....time to turn in the old drivers license..


Hollie said...

Thats as bad as texting while driving!

Anonymous said...

Let's all be extrmely glad that nobody was harmed during the capture of these pictures! And we should probably stay off the road when we know mom will be out and re-think letting the kids ride as her passengers! HA!!!

Pretty good pictures though!