Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our little pool player!!!

 Here is the many faces of our little pool player!!
 He is pretty funny!
 Has the I can do it myself attitude ;o)
 Ok maybe a little help!
 Wait let me try it again.
 He does have the pool helper cue  to use also.
 What Good Luck Charlie is on??
 Austin wanted a turn also...helping Grandpa...
 Wait what is this little round thing?
 Hollie stepped in to help Caleb
 Look at that face!
 Austin and I were trying to take our picture in the mirror...looks like we just got Daddy and Grandpa
One more try...yep we got the flash!!  ha,ha,ha!


Hollie said...

Love his tongue!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Caleb is tall enough to see over the top of the table!