Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 5 Part 2

This I found to be interesting...nice deck, I guess they wanted a beach view!
Tim stepping into the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in his life.  Josh right behind him!  Of course Josh has been in it many times!
It's cold!!  Ha,ha,ha!  The waves were surprisingly strong for how little they were.
Oh his way out!  I'm seeing his phone right now wondering how I let him go out there with it!
My turn!
You're right it's cold so hurry!
I am he says....just waiting for the wave!
Of course he tells me he hasn't taken it yet and gets a couple more than I got of him!  Must mean I'm  the nice one!
Picture together time!!  Yep that wave got us!
There ya go no close waves.
The cute Pierce family!  Jason, Jessica, Jas, Josh!
I promise Jessica isn't making Josh be in the picture.  I'm not sure what he was doing I don't remember that but it does look like he is trying to run away!  But he wasn't!
Ok this rock really has a name but neither one of us can remember it!  So on facebook someone ask them and they will tell you then you can tell us!  Unless of course someone from Plymouth looks at this blog and leaves the name in the comment section...Hint,hint!
Water goes on forever!
Oh wait way out there....I see land!
And there is some more!  Did I mention this was a private beach we went too.  Yep it was but no worries Jessie and Jason have connections!! 
After the Beach we parted ways...Tim and I went to see the Mayflower II  Walking up the steep ramp
Getting ready to go down the stairs into the ship!
Supposedly 300 some odd people were on this ship.  Not sure how that is possible but you slept where ever you could find a place.   Here are some examples.  Totally Crazy, Wicked or Whacked, however you put it!

This is a way to the bottom level!
A look from one end of the main level
A look over the side a crew member cleaning a thing they had to do daily!

The water through a winder under the deck!
Tim had to duck so as not to hit his head.  They try to keep it as close to what it looked like way back then.  Lots of cool stuff.
Tim is excited to be on the ship and see it all!  Holding one of the ropes.
Me not so much...I felt very confined and don't think I could have been the ship for 70 days give or take a few.  I was seriously having trouble breathing...just from being scared!
Some more way for the beds!  Yikes these poor people how did they ever do it!

Some of the cannons on board!
Stairs going up!
Another bed!
Tim and a cannon!
Some ideas of their bedding and how they stored their food!
Water through the window again!  I'm telling you it was creepy!
The Cook's Room!
Too think he had all this space to himself...crazy! But of course he need room to cook.
Ok how would you like this bed on the ocean!  Talk about rocking yourself to sleep!  Yikes!
A view from outside the Captains Quarters!
All the rigging's
The Captains Quarters.  You can see from the pictures how slanted it would you ever sleep here.

The door to the Captains Quarters

The crows nest!
Ha!  Two of them!
One of the passengers on the Mayflower II

Go figure another gun!
Tim taking a picture of the gun to send to his kids and grandkids!
This is where we ate lunch on the first day in Plymouth!
Meaghan wanted to go to New Tokyo for her birthday dinner that night.  So we met everyone there. I thought I got pictures of all but I didn't sorry.  but here is who I got.  Starting at the far left.  Tony, Matthew, Charlie, Sharon, Patrick Elisa.  And Jessie's hands!

Starting at the far right...Randi, Cassidy, Meaghan's friend, Meaghan, Tonya and Danny.
Far left..Tonya, Meaghan, Friend, Cassidy and Randi!
Matthew, Charlie, Sharon, and Patrick
Cooking the food!

Those drinks are Shirley Temples!!!  Man I had forgotten all about them!!  See Videos below on the fire and cooking of our food.
After a yummy dinner we headed back to Tonya and Danny's for cake!  Tony, Matthew, Jessica, Tagen Meaghan and Jas
Matthew, Meaghan, Cassidy Jessica, Josh in the way back and Elisha
Elisha and Sharon
The Yummy Cold Stone birthday cake!
The Yummy Oreo Cheesecake Danny made!
Blowing out of the candles!!!  Jas, Tagen, Jessica, Cassidy, Meaghan, Friend, Matthew, and Randi.
Crazy Videos from dinner.
Thanks for another fun filled day!!!  We had a blast and should have spent more time at the beach!! Ha,ha,ha


Hollie said...

I recommend the gulf. Its waters are warm! I can't imagine being on a ship like that for any extended period of time. We stayed a few nights on my dads sail boat and that was enough for me.

tabs said...

I can't believe you were brave enough to go in the water mom! It looks like a lot of fun.