Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 7 Part 4

 Oh a break....ok really not sure how this picture got here because I believe it should be the first one.  But I do see some of the Jetty in the back of the kids so maybe we were on that first.
 No matter where you take a picture it is beautiful!

 At the very end!!!  Yikes really scary!!!  Wind blowing, water all around, cracks in the rocks and who knows what might come up them???  Hurry Tonya!!!

 With the flash on!

 Ok the sun goes down really fast here!  Tim and Tonya headed back.

 The sides of the Jetty.  Wouldn't be a very fun fall!

 Meaghan off in the lead


Thanks for being willing to take us out on the Jetty!!  We loved it!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

The Jetty looks like fun!