Saturday, September 13, 2008

What started this....

So I can't get my pictures in the right anybody surprised??? Here is Tabitha thinking the peppers look good enought to eat.... Just one bite won't be that bad...they don't smell spicy!!
Where is some milk...yes a whole glass ...Hurry...hurry...hurry...
Ok so maybe they are a little hot.....ok a lot ;o)
Wow there are lots of jars of Salsa...where did it all come from??
Tim using the scary pressure took forever for him to convince me to buy one.
This is the first final product...He is so proud ;o)
Cutting up all those peppers to make it really hot
The harvest. Yes all those tomatoes and peppers came from our garden.

Oops the pictures got smaller... and still out of is the finished product all put up in the fruit room
Three of our cute little helpers. Are they not so cute???
2 up one down....the work goes on...

Look at me I can help too!! 4 crazy helpers and grandpa!!
This fun salsa making experience is what encouraged us to have our own blog....we will get better at it and the pictures will be in the right order. I bet you were thinking our grandkids were the favorite thing in this blog ....but it is the salsa!!! Yum!!! Ok the help we have was a favorite also!!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of the kids would actually EAT the salsa!?

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

I bet Tatem and Ethan would...