Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween Villiage 2008

Well it is almost Halloween and we need to get the house ready ;o) ha,ha,ha!! That's my evil Halloween laugh. So this weekend the grandkids came over to help put up the village. Ethan is ready to go, helping grandpa open the boxes! Tatem helped bring in the table from the garage but we didn't get the camera out fast enough ;o) Now JT is helping to open the boxes....I wonder if grandpa will have enough patience to deal with 4 grandkids and his very special village???
Oh here comes Aunt Tabitha to save the day with power strips...you can have all the piece lit up with one one or two or three...Way to go Tab!!!
While we are all working hard on the village John and Terriebeth are in the kitchen tossing jelly beans into each others mouths...I wonder if he missed???
Caleb has yet to make it over to the set design area...he has some smarties and he ain't ready to give them up.
Tatem helping to lift up some more of the boxes...look how many we still have to go.
Tim, Ethan, Tabitha and TJ...must be a placement questions and all have to come to the same answer.
John....not sure if he liked their answer...or is it the look he gives Terriebeth when she is in trouble because she is taking his picture???
JT, Tabitha, Tatem, Ethan and Grandpa opening more boxes...will this ever come together??

Cabeb is getting closer...not sure what he is looking at but I know it was not a smarties.
Another talk about where something is going..Terriebeth turning back to have her say
Well Look at that ....Caleb made it to the table ....yep that is still his one pack of smarties in his hand, and yes grandpa and Ethan are still unpacking.
An overview of the fun!! It is getting closer to be done...see the smarties???

Everyone is working on their own now. Notice Terriebeth's tongue is not out but she is pushing it against her lower lip so I say that is close...

More boxes...will it ever end? (ok I don't know how to cut the pictures out and I didn't want to start again...I had 71 pictures good thing I only uploaded 68 of them Ha,ha,ah!!) That's my evil laugh again.

Yep we still have smarties...but I got him to look at the camera!!!
Now there is a big smile for you!!

Tabitha carrying a ton of boxes with only one hand!! Wow she is really strong!!

Last minute placement...yep we need to know where those smarties are going to go;o) Is he not funny!

We lost JT for a short time but I think I found him....you can run JT but you can't hide ;o)
Tatem likes one of the pieces but I'm not sure which one..

Ok these are two that didn't work and when I right click it won't let me delete them so sorry...

Working hard all four in one picture that is a rare thing.
There is my JT running but not hiding!! Don't you love his face!!

Almost done...

Look no more smarties!!!
What do you think??
Hollie looking on as last minute changes are made.
Hollie just after she had fun scaring the kids...Hee,hee,hee!

What is grandpa doing???

What is TJ doing???
They have moved to the kitchen while everyone else is working hard....Hummmmm looks like I need to replace some light bulbs...funny how I notice here and not here ;o)
Now what are you guys doing???
Eating Milkshakes grandma...we've been working hard ;o)

Caleb Theone 2 years and almost 4 months!!!
JT ( John Fredrick Spratt the III as he goes by at school)
5 years 11 months
Ethan James 4 Years 10 months
Tatem Rae 3 years 6 months
Are they not so cute!!! You gotta love them!
No matter what way you look at them ;o)

The finish set with the lights out!! To bad you can't hear the sounds

The finished set with the light one
The very scary one!! Doesn't take good pictures!! This one is a fun one! hummm I should take it to school ;o)
Another one that doesn't go on the table! But close by!
Ok maybe our blog should be called a lot of our favorite things!! Ha,ha,ha!! Have a great spooky October!!


Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Ok I promise those ones pictures that didn't work were just little x's before I hit post! So weird!
The one where Caleb is staring at "he's alive, he's alive" didn't was an x and it never showed up?? What is up with that?

Sturges Family said...

You're crazy. There were A LOT of cute pics though. I can't wait till the christmas village..... Maybe I can. :)

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Come on it won't be to bad we already have one table set up!! ha,ha,ha!! It will be a whole day thing! But we have to start right after Thanksgiving so it will be up and going on Dec 1st.

Bring your camera!! Ha,ha, ha!! I took 71 picture Sunday! crazy!

Anonymous said...

That's funny Hollie, I was thinking the same thing. The kids lost interest pretty quickly with the small halloween village. Plus Grandpa is a little more protective if his Christmas Village...wouldn't you agree? We'll see how it goes I guess. John is already thinking about putting up Christmas lights, he want to be able to turn them on Thanksgiving Day.
I love the milkshake pictures!
And Grandma just so you know...Tatem is totally uninterested in this blog, she wants to go to Hollie's blog and watch Caleb sing about pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh shoot...also: No John didn't hit me in the eye with a jelly bean, I think I was just rubbing it!

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Thanks Tatem ;o(. Ethan had fun so did Caleb once he got done with his smarties...I think they will be fine for the Christmas one because they know the last thing is the train and they all love the train...I'm trying to get dad to put it in the middle of the villiage what do you think???

Sturges Family said...

Maybe the kids could just do the finishing touches on the Christmas village instead of tyring to keep them into it and out of trouble the whole time. Just leave a couple of pieces for them each to put up and the train. By the way, how long did it take you to upload all of those photos?

Wait till you see Caleb's monkey song. He really likes to watch that one over and over. I have been meaning to put it up, but I am trying to space things out a little.

I can't wait to do Christmas lights. This having a house things is pretty fun, especially now that I have more time to clean and organize. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

You two are funny! The kids were fine they were not getting into trouble...just coming and going. I think they will be fine for the Christmas one...but dad and I might make it a 2 day thing...a little on a Saturday and then finish it up on Sunday.

Lets the pictures to finish the whole thing took about an hour.

I can't wait to see what everyones house looks like for Christmas;o)