Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tim's Christmas Village

Tim's Christmas Village was a two day thing this year...but yes I forgot to take pictures of the cutting of the board....The Third, Tatem and Caleb helped a little with this but Caleb didn't like the sound of the saw.... Then I forgot to take pictures of the placing of the boards... or even the start of the Village...Tim's first thing on was the light house he wanted it up high so it could be seen by all. It is right behind the steamboat ;o) He now has the top to layers done still lots to go! Fun, Fun, Fun ;o)
Didn't I say lots to go...Look at all those boxes...if you look in the back ground there is still some on the table in the dinning room ;O0

Working on getting all the plugs in the right you only have to flip one or two switches!!!

"Why did I ever start this crazy thing?" Ha,ha,ha!! Actual he is taking a little break to talk to TJ on the phone ;o)

Getting Closer...but notice it is now dark outside...this is taking a while...not that Tim is a perfectionist....Ha,ha,ha!!!

Almost there!!! Just a few more things!!!

Finally done!! It only took eight hours. Doesn't it look great!!! Yes it takes up a lot of the living room ....but it is only for a short time and it is awesome.

I was trying to post a video of it so you can see and hear all the wonderful sounds and lights but I guess I'm not that good yet! Probably never will be ;o)


Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Darn I forgot to say...notice the light know the first thing on...well Tim forgot to plug it in so it does not light up and we didn't notice until we were almost done! Ha,ha,ha!

Hollie said...

Very nice! It is crazy that you guys do that much. I don't know how you have the patience Tim. It looks great, you really out did yourself this year.

tabs said...

Oh know your village is HUGE when you have to make a "subdivision" in order to have a place for all the houses!

Anonymous said...

It's probably a good thing that the kids weren't there. Too many curious hands helping just might have made Grandpa crazy! It looks great!

Heath and Jessica said...

It looks very nice! I started a village a while ago, but it has sat in the garage for the last 5-6 years. I don't have the patience to put it up!

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Tim needed patience this year with school and work! But he did good. He was more picky about where everything went though...that is why the grandkid should have been here to help! He would have to ask their oppinion and who knows what it would have ended up looking like!

Tim says thanks for all the compliments on it!!

Jessica you need to get yours out...and watch it grow!! Ha,ha,ha!

Heather Bender said...

Awesome!! I am so glad I got to see it first hand!

Suusi said...

Holy cow that is HUGE!! My gosh, it would have taken me a week with my um...ability to concentrate :]

It's gorgeous!