Saturday, February 13, 2010

Christmas 2009 #1 Sturges, Sturges, and Spratts, Yikes the Chocolate Fountain

Ok I have to break this many pictures once again... Here is the fun Chocolate fountain after presents and dinner...Terriebeth cutting pound the look on her face...Tatem can't wait to dig in....Aunt Tabitha unwrapping carmels...weird how the chocolate is only going on one side.
The III waiting for the fun to begin!!!
Almost There!!
Yahoo lets get started!!
Love those looks!!!
Crazy Grandpa worried about towels on the think any of that chocolate is going to get away???
Tabitha helping Grandpa pour in more Chocolate...yummy,yummy, yummy!!!
Give us more!!!
Who needs something to put in it...lets just go for it straight!
One more for the camera!!
Hurry Aunt Tabitha grab the III he is going for all the chocolate!!!
Whew she made it in time!!
Don't know what is happening on the other side of the table but once again I love their faces!
Grandpa digging in!
Look at that innocent face ;o)
Yummy said Gramps
This girl cracks me up...I wished I could remember what she was saying.
You have to be quick because all those yummy things that we dip away from you!
Darn I missed it!
Clean up time...
Thanks Grandpa!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, my kids made it out pretty clean! Grandpa may have something to be worried about if "the boys" are around though!

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

I was impressed that Tatem didn't get any of that chocolate on her cute mostly white sweater!!!