Thursday, December 30, 2010

87 Days to a skinnier us...

Well to start off our wonderful 1 1/2 of yoga...we got started late because I forgot to set the alarm~ Fun times...but we were only 20 minutes behind schedule so I guess that is not to bad.

Yoga!! I love yoga We got all set up and started, and yep you guessed it, 15 minutes in my stomach start churning....what is up with that? I ate a piece of bread before we started, and it certainly wasn't high impact. I never had to leave the room but I did have to sit still a few times. Tim did say his stomach was a little bouncy at times today also. Weird. I'm beginning to wonder if it is because I'm getting to hot, but keep in mind we turn our heat off at night so when we are exercising it is only 50 degrees in the house, how do you get to hot in that? Then when we switched to the last set we both were freezing, I put a cover on me for our laying/cooling down ones because I was so cold! Weird!!

I Love it!!! Yeah I got tired of doing upward/downward dog, but for the most part I loved it!~
I'm glad we are doing it at home because if we were in public, no one else could have done yoga because they would have been laughing at our great moves, especially the balancing ones ;o)

Well we have completed day 4 and still want to go on. Tomorrow is legs and back and my all time favorite Ab Ripper!!! Yahoo I can't wait!!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, really not sure why you would be feeling sick. The only one that ever got to me was the plyometrics. Maybe it's because you are doing it early and your body just needs to adjust? I dunno!

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

I know it is weird. I think maybe it is the camera know some motions sickness!! Or my glasses. So I'm going to try contacts tomorrow.

Hollie said...

It would be funny to watch you guys doing yoga. Glad it is going well.