Wednesday, December 29, 2010

88 Days to a skinnier us....

Oh we are in so much is killing me to sit here and type this!!!

Just kidding! Today we did shoulders and arms, and Ab Ripper X.
The shoulders and arms were not to could feel it that is for sure
but we pushed through the burn and did what we were suppose to. And no I didn't
get sick once, but then again it might be because it was not a jumpy, all over the place workout.

Now the ab ripper x killed me today, I don't think I did as many today as Monday, my abs didn't hurt to bad until I tried to do the exercises again!!! Yikes. Tim felt it to but it didn't kill him.

We are both surprised how we don't have that exhausted feeling when we get done, and how we both look forward to the next workout! Crazy.

Now tomorrow might be a different story when our arm and shoulders hurt so bad we can't move.

We are doing so well, we have still been walking on Tim lunch!! Yahoo!! If we can make it through the first week we should be able to make it through the 90 days!!!

Tomorrow Yoga!!!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yoga! Good luck, it's just not my cup-o-tea!