Friday, January 2, 2015

Japan Day 7

Ok I didn't then and I don't now really know what day it this might be day 7 or 6 or 8 or who knows, and who knows if it's Monday, Wednesday or Saturday!   We left here on a Friday morning and get there on a Saturday night  and 24 hours had not passed by yet.  So anyhoo....I found this to be interesting.  It is an office or apt building across from the post office.  I love that they were growing trees on the 2nd floor balcony and they are growing right out of room~  but it works.                        
Today we decided to go to the Tokyo Historical Museum .  We walked on a path that could or could not have been through a park.
There was people coming from all directions, on this cold rainy day

They had hundreds of these blue little pools set up.  We wondered what they were going to do and figured that was why all the people were headed this way.
As we got closer to the Museum we noticed that these one had fish in them....big fish.  And it looks like they were selling them.  You just picked which one you liked and they got it for you!~   Crazy!~
Outside the Museum in what could or could not be a park

We loved the signs around Japan and every now and then took pictures of them to show how the translation gets lost along the way sometimes.
Tim was excited about this....a food truck...we decided to wait until after we came out to see what he was selling
Waiting to cross the street.  We noticed in Tokyo and everywhere else we went nobody crossed when it was no crossing, no matter how hard it was raining.  And we didn't once see anyone jaywalk.

Buying tickets to get in

Ok there was a lot of things in here, so of course between the two of us we took a lot of pictures.  I will not post all of them but I will post a fair amount.  Sometimes we got the description card sometimes not, but here is some cool, really cool stuff we saw!

Ok this was a pretty view...we couldn't go out because it was closed but I saw in the background some movement so I zoomed in.....

And this is what I found....don't know who they are or what the building is but they are in traditional Japanese Dress I thought it was pretty cool.

Our darling, loveable, huggable, Tatem

We got to make our own postcards.

These are cool combs don't you think?

Both Tim and I wanted one of way to get it home if we wanted to pay the big bucks for it.

I wonder if this guy knows that he photo bombed actually turned out pretty good.  I didn't even see him there....but maybe Tim took this picture not me and that is why I didn't see him...but maybe not.

Our very own cute loveable huggable Tim
Oh look stairs...there are stairs no matter where you go!  It's crazy!
Our loveable, huggable kids!!!!

We have no idea what is behind this big clock or this big door but it was a great place for a picture

The gift shop, ok looks like I pretty much just got pictures of the signs...

There was like 3 or 4 different Museum's here so we went to the one on the left, which I think was a Chinese one.  The kids and their kids hadn't been to it before

 More interesting things inside here.

  Click on this to make it big, it is very interesting supply and cost list

 This little display had us all intrigued for a bit.  Tim did the picture taking and he got some good ones if you ask me.

 This is a dinner table...we didn't get a picture of the sign but hey it would be really easy to clean off!

 Couldn't resist had to try and photo bomb Tate

 These two I had to convince to get their picture here with this cute wood cutouts!
 Trip looking to see why the pond is dangerous.
 The food truck...sadly we didn't get anything is was just roasted sweet potatoes and none of us are really big fans.
 This could or could not be the park again.
 Ok this is one spot where some of the homeless stay.  They can't stay there during the day but can leave their stuff in an orderly way.  So they stack it up and put tarps and or cardboard over it and no one, I mean no one bothers it!  It is totally crazy!  You don't see it in too many places but there are a few.

 Dinner was at a food court.  Tim and Trip got  soba noodles. Once they finished this they split a pizza.  They really worked up an appetite!               
 John got pizza and Tatem got rice curry and they both split some fries
 TerrieBeth got onion rings and Pizza
 And I got pizza and fries....I'm telling you they have the best french fries in the world in Japan!
 The lights and people outside the train station

 Ok this cracks me up....the kids and their kids fit right in with all the Japanese people on the train, they can all use their phones with out batting and eye when the train bumps around!

 This sign is outside of 7-11 where we always went for ice-cream. Which they have an ice cream bar that I loved, but weird I never took a picture of it, any way it is ice cream covered completely with an ice-cream good, why doesn't someone here do that???  The cone is the best part and with this you get a piece of the cone with every bite!!
 We never saw police cars so I had to snap a picture when I saw this one!  Lots of police stations on the to come on those later ....I think 

Stay tuned for more fun filled pictures coming soon.

1 comment:

TerrieBeth said...

So much cool stuff at the museum! I need to get a pass and go while the kids are in school :-)