Saturday, January 3, 2015

News Flash!!!!

Ok those of you who know me, know that I can't stand tire marks on my driveway so I'm always out shoveling even if I know it will melt off....well yeah the one time I don't, it is so cold it doesn't melt!  So our deck, patio and driveway are nothing but ice, because it was an icy snow that I didn't shovel! Poor dogs even have trouble getting their footing sometimes because it is so icy!  Ughhhhh

So this is a reminder to ME and all of you always shovel or this is what you will end up with.

Ok back to Japan!!!!!


Hollie said...

A lesson we have learned is buy a house where the driveway gets the sun. Our neighbors across the street never have to shovel.

TerrieBeth said...

We don't miss that! Score on for living in an apt!