Saturday, January 3, 2015

Japan Day 8

Today was a Zoo!!!  Oh I mean today we went to the Zoo!  The first stop was the Giant Panda...there was a crazy line, you can see it on the left hand side of the second picture.

 He is sleeping and it's hard to see him and they don't let you stop to take pictures....well they do but only for a second or two or they ask/tell you to keep moving....weird. But it works

 Our Loveable, Huggable 12 yes 12 year old grandson!  Holy Elephant look how big he is getting!  (Trip not the elephant!)
 Our Loveable, Huggable almost 10 year old grand daughter!
 Look the elephants are not that  big!

 What another selfie!!!  Ha,ha,ha!!!
 This cute little monkey was trying to get the stick on the left side into the cage.
 He did get it in and then he threw it out again and started all over!  Funny Monkey!
 What an Elephant on the loose...we will get him!

 Yahoo!!! We caught him...let have a photo opp before we take him back!

 John slid back off before he got on....I thought we had a better picture but it might be on the cell phone.  You can tell by TB's reaction that it was pretty funny!

 Once TB and John got on the elephant, others starting forming a line to do the same thing.   If that cute white couple can do it so can we....what a great idea.  It was funny, people just walked by when the kids were on it, but once the parents got on....the line started and I'm pretty sure they was no kids in line just adults.
 The monkey mountain.
 Trip liked this little one.

Here is one on the very top of the mountain....picture two gives you an idea how high it is.

 Another funny think?
 The polar bears....

 Harry  Potter's owl!  Tate was talking to him
 Back to the polar bear....they were dropping food in and he was going after it.

 The seals

 A poor little seal getting eyedrops...he/she did not like it and had a sad little cry
 Oh no a bear!!!  We got this Grandma!

 A sneaky fox...I couldn't get a picture except for this one.
 The gorilla's
 How long are your arms?
 Guess our little ones are not getting that big after all!

These are signs in the tiger section. For some reason we don't have a picture of the tigers...wierd

 The Lion

 Some interesting bird
 A rare Red Panda

 The Marsh, this city is they have room for this stuff is beyond me...Look how big this marsh is, in the Zoo!  Crazy!
 Trip's favorite part of the marsh...the Eagle's, their wings are clipped so they don't fly away but can fly a little bit.   Crazy they don't get out.

 Penguins...these stunk
 Fall Colors

 Ok just to show how close all the buildings are...that is maybe a foot if that between buildings.  And these buildings can be residential or commercial  doesn't matter
 Their cute little water hole covers
 We stopped to get a pastry....I think
 Dinner was at is a sample of the ice- cream you can get....we didn't get any, but I was thinking about that Cheese and Biscuit....Ha!  No I wasn't!

 That is it folks the small kitchen, prep and clean up area!  This is what most restaurant's here are like.
 Tim got the chicken, his and Tatem's came out first.

 She got some kind of quesidillia

Trip got a burrito
 John got some kind of burrito
 I just got nacho's
 TerrieBeth got chimichunga's
 Once again a picture of all the on it to get the real idea.  They are wall to wall, it is crazy!
 We went to Ben and Jerry's for dessert
 TB and TR
 JF JR  and JF III
 Grouchy Grandpa!
 All the people, all the traffic all the time!  It is crazy!

 The walk home!

Stay tuned for more fun filled pictures from Japan!!!
Coming soon!


Hollie said...

Their zoo looks a thousand times cooler than ours.

TerrieBeth said...

I forgot about the Zoo! That was fun!