Thursday, March 26, 2009

Iron Chef Tim

Yahoo it is Spring Break!!! Fun....and to start it off Iron Chef Tim does some great bad I don't like meat ;o( Here is his wonderful fixing to his Grilled California Avocado B-L-T Burgers with Caramelized Chipotle Onions....You have your hamburger...not just any hamburger this has some secret ingredients...the hot dogs are for the have tomatoes and lettucesA special sauce, (secret ingredients that I can not share ), that goes on the bun before any of the other yummy things.....Some caramelized onions...which seemed to go over great.Some grilled avocado...which also was a hit....There was bacon also but I forgot to get a picture of that sorry all ;o)Here is all the fixing except for the sauce and the bacon...Yep even the jelly bellies went on....just kidding!Here is two starving kids waiting for some food....even though theirs doesn't take as long to get ready they had to wait..... John was the first to get his can't see the bacon resting on the top of the pile...what a nice looking hamburger..
Flat Megan wanted to sit by Tatem and share her french fries. Notice Tabitha's is a lot smaller than the lettuce, tomato , avocado or onions for her...she is almost as bad as me ;o)
Iron Chef Tim with his winning hamburger...and his normal picture face ;o)
Flat Megan said these hamburgers in Idaho are way to big for me ;o)
Ok time to eat...everyone take a bite.....what??? what happened to our deal, you all said on the count of 3 we agreed????? Ha,ha,ha
Do is the real one....Yummmy!!
On Sunday Iron Chef, BBQ ribs....look at that he is still in his Sunday best...what a great guy!!
Look at all those yummy ribs....
After dinner resting....watching March Madness...but wait there is something I want to show you....I have no idea what they were watching on the laptop but even the two kids were enjoying it so I had to snap a picture!!!

Life back to normal....Tim had to work so Spring Break is just another week on the home stead....but he has big plans for some more fun cooking experiments this weekend!! Ha,ha,ha!
We did take Tatem out to her birthday lunch on Tuesday and she was mad because they sang Happy Birthday to her and it wasn't her birthday!! Can't believe she is four. Ok back to the book, The Host...weird book but can't put down. Ha,ha,ha!


Hollie said...

Hurry and finish the book so I can read it!!!
Tim does do a good job cooking. We really appreciate it and look forward to lots more to come!

Anonymous said...

Nice new background, I like the picture of the doggies. We were watching Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shake his booty on SNL. Hmmm..maybe we shouldn't have let Caleb watch, TJ might not like that too much! The burgers and the ribs were soooo good...I'll repay by cooking my famous pizza on Sunday, complete with banana's! And yeah..the book is interesting but good! Waaaay better than The Time Travelers Wife.

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Ha,ha,ha!! Your funny!!!

Fran and Deon said...

The Host is a really good book, but I shouldn't have read it in between the 3 and 4th Twilight book. Oh was good.
So have you seen the Twilight Movie???

Fran and Deon said...

The Host is a really good book, but I shouldn't have read it in between the 3 and 4th Twilight book. Oh was good.
So have you seen the Twilight Movie???

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

I just watched the movie the other day!!

Did you read Harry Potter yet????

Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Terriebeth....are you sure you have bananas or do I need to bring them!! Yummy I can't wait!

tabs said...

I had avocado on my burger! I just don't like guacamole crazy lady. And yes, we were watching SNL. It was pretty funny. That was some good food. Yum :)

Lindsay Lou said...

Those look really good! But I probably wouldn't eat all of the avocado and onions. I'm more of the plain cheeseburger type.

Fran and Deon said...

I think you should share the recipe with me....they look so gooood!!!!!!!!!!!