Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 5 of Vacation 2012 part 1

We started the day off by going to Plymouth Plantation.  Jessie's boys love this place!  And I think Tim and I do too!  So much to see.  Anyway he is Josh ready to go and Jas and Jessica still getting some sun screen on.                                                                 

This is the cool entrance!  Isn't it pretty!  Lots of trees!
Tim is pretty excited!
I couldn't resist taking a picture of this cow!  Nice ship on it!  Pretty cool
Ok there was a lot of weird trees here, I was going to take some picture of some we saw on the way in, on  the way out, but we went out a different way so this is the only one I got.  It has purple/pinkish flowers on it.

This is one of the huts the Indians made and lived in.   There were signs there that said not to call them Indians that they were Native Americans and listed their tribe name but some how out of all the pictures I took I didn't get any of that sign.  Weird!
Tim inside the hut!
Jas inside the hut.  It is pretty cool how it is built.  Very inventive.
The outside of a different hut!  With a hand made ladder.  Pretty cool and pretty sturdy.
One of their lean toos.  They really knew what they were doing.  This is strong and sturdy, probably better than some of the houses that are made now a days.  Every thing you see is made by the Indians.
A fire pit with a hand made grate.  I should have asked how it doesn't catch fire.
Another hut!  I love the outside!  So cute.  Love the branches that go all the way around it.  What a great use of their resources.
A supply of building material
The inside view of the ceiling/roof.  Pretty cool once again.  The Indians here do everything the way their ancestor's did, to show us how it was done.
Lots of animals hides, to keep warm with.
The fire pit/ cooking area inside, right in the middle of the room
Ok this part creeped me out...they kept and keep their firewood under their beds!!  Yikes can you imagine the spiders in that stuff???
Tim and Josh with one of the fishing nets!!  It's almost as big as Josh
This Indian (sorry I can't remember their tribe name), is showing how they made/make canoes.  They slowly burn out the inside, scooping out the ashes here and there shaping it as they go.
Josh in one that has been finished.
Jas in the other one.
Ready for a race.  This was pretty cool to see.  They make it look and sound easy!
Getting ready to leave the Indian area!  So beautiful

Headed to the Pilgrim fort....not to far away.

Yep they too keep it just like it was way back then...complete with the animals!
The first thing you see upon entering besides the animals is this really big cool firewood pile!
Yep me, Jessie and Jas think our kids need to stack our wood pile like this.  It is so cool!  I'm really going to try it!  Only little ones because one it would take up the most of the garden and two who could get it off the top?
Love the fence.  So cute...
Jas is feeding the goat while Jason is pointing out something else to Tim and Jessica

On the other side of the barn...a cute baby goat and a brown and white one.

Love the house.  Really my first thought was this is a fire hazard...the wood is so dry and with all the fires around Idaho this year that is what I thought.
Oh look my mattress out to air out?  Can't believe I got that close to it!  Yikes
A nice pillow for Jessie... She is crazy!  But we love her!!!
Jas by the mattress...can you believe we sleep on these nice firm thing and all they had in there was straw!  Crazy!
Every house and I mean every house had a garden.  And they had some really good crops growing!
A look inside some of the houses.  I love them but not sure if I could live in one.  But it does look like fun.

Opps Jason got put in jail!!!  Don't worry it's just the window!
What Jas too!!  Ha,ha,ha.  Can you imagine only having that small of a window?

 I really liked the fences and the gardens
 Now there is a thin did they stay warm?

 Some of the houses had attics but we couldn't go up in them.
 The boys loved their brooms.  Me and Jessie kinda liked them too!
 See the plants drying on the ceiling.
 Another bed with firewood under it!!  Yikes
 Tim in jail!!!
 The Main and pretty much only street
 Behind this cute little fence is a cannon.  I took a picture of it but not sure where it went.
 I love the cradle, much cuter than our bassinets.

 This house was a two room house.  The only one I saw there, that had two rooms.

 The fort/ meeting house.  This is where they held their meeting and that is the pulpit where people talked.
 The cannons upstairs...The pilgrims were worried that the Indians would attack.  They were not as friendly as we were lead to believe and didn't trust the pilgrims, so in turn the pilgrims didn't trust the Indians.
 There was about 12 of these beauties up stairs.  You can see the little windows they can open or close to shoot through.
 One pilgrim working in the field.
A view of the street from the fort/meeting house.  It is really a cute little place.  And I have a new found respect for the Pilgrims and the Indians and the way they lived compared to how we live today.
 Don't you love the view of the ocean in the background!
 Together Picture take one...didn't get the ocean
 Ok take two worked!!  Thanks Jessie!
 We talked to this lady and she said that her and her husband have two fields and today they both had to work in separate ones.  That is the way of life.
 The corn is doing great!  But she had to be really hot!
 The wood carver.  He is doing a great job... and I think he looks like my cousin David anyone else think that?

 This were on the way out...cute little planter boxes that have spices, herbs and even
 strawberries in them...what a space saver...right on top of the fence.
 The barn!!!
We had a lot of fun here.  Thanks for taking us Jason, Jessie, Jas and Josh!!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

I think it is funny how the signs asked to not call them Indians yet you still did every time. I guess that is easier to write though. It is crazy how they used to live and how quickly things are continuing to develope. I am very thankful for my modern comforts.