Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 7 Part 3

 It covers a pretty big area and looks to be well kept.
Since we were on the Trolley and it doesn't stop at it we could only take pictures as we drove by.

 This is the Prudential Building from far away....
 The top of the Prudential building.  In a couple of days we will show you the view from the inside!  Amazing!
 The Boston Harbor
There is a story about the white ball on top.  But I can't remember it all so I'm not putting it in.  But ask us about it and we between the two of us will be able to tell you.
 Ok this is the back of a bus.  Every time they break the blue eyes light up.  It was pretty cool.
 One of those funny shaped building you get emails about!

 If I remember right all these building are on MIT Campus.
One of those strange/weird things in Boston.
 The parking garage Tonya parked in that one day! ;o)  Still amazed.
 No school bus in site I'm telling you!  Weird/strange things in Boston!
 They were protesting something.  We were like really???
Sorry once again I can't remember what this is.  Tim's at work and the kids are out shopping black Friday, and the grand kids are still sleep so no one to ask!

 The fancy Dunkin Donuts.  It is in the really Richy part of Boston.  All the other we saw, which was about one or two every block, were the normal Dunkin Donuts.  This one was in Gold lettering.
 Just a cute little emergency box.
 I loved the evacuation signs...Ok it might be a little scarier if we were there during storm season!
Another important place ;o)
 Boston Gardens.

Ok we are in the tunnels under Boston.  The tour guide said something that I could have lived forever with out knowing, but you all might be interested in.   The brown lines means we are under the ground, (I'm fine with that.)  The blue lines means we are under water...ok not fine with that.!
Sleeping in the middle of not a park but a tourist area.
 We are off the Trolley now, headed to lunch./dinner.   Here we are in little Italy.  I wanted to show you the alley way, or someones front or back yard.  These ones are a little nicer.
 Tim wanted to go to a restaurant he saw on Diner, Dives and Drive Ins.  It is called Regina Pizzeria.  We really got lost looking for it, but when we stopped to ask someone for directions, he told us where to go and said we can't get lost for long, because all of Boston is only 2.5 miles so we would find it sooner or later!
Here is our pizza!  Yum
 I can't believe we both ate the whole thing!  We must have been really hungry.  It was really good.

 It is just a little corner place.  Not hard to get lost finding it!  Ha,ha,ha!
Ok here is a weird/strange thing.  A double car garage in the middle of downtown, only place with a garage the rest are all street parking.
 The T home was really crowed.  Tim had to stand most of the way!
 I felt bad I wanted to take a picture of how crowded it was and I freaked this lady out.  She only saw the flash but didn't know it was me.  And I felt terrible and I didn't tell her it was me either, I didn't want to freak her out more.
 Since I didn't take any picture the other times we drove into Plymouth I did today.
I just love these houses and the tiny streets!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

That would be freaky knowing you were underwater...